Popular Services

Granting or removing access to an email account

Use to report issues with or make requests for TargetX

Find help for issues with your ESU account & password. First-time account set up, password resets, and account unlock.

Report problems and request assistance with Google 2-Step Verification for g.emporia.edu accounts.

Assistance with Google account password

ESU Staff & Faculty can request VPN access. This allows users to connect with ESU secured systems from off campus on an ESU owned device.

Software/hardware assessments are required before purchase or use.

An application, built for individual departments will allow anyone, whether on campus or off, to upload any private document directly into a SharePoint site where it can be secured

Report & request support for all types of Outlook calendars. (personal, shared, web, room, and SharePoint)

Add or remove users from W drive or X Drive access

Add or remove users, adjust access hours, quote new card access equipment

To provide modifications to existing Banner Security.

Add or remove users from email distribution lists

Issues with student or retiree ESU GMail account

Request assistance or report any type of issue with the Canvas learning management system.

Updated change management- still in the testing phase

Use this form to request or change user permissions for a shared calendar (SharePoint or Exchange). This form is not for calendars created by a user.

Report issues with SharePoint Drive, Groups, or Sites

eMPerson8r access requests must come from the department's owner. Other requests will be denied.

Add or remove users from OnBase workflows