How To:
- Set a Voicemail Greeting from an ESU Desk Phone
Applies To:
- Staff & Faculty with an ESU phone line
If you are using Teams these procedures will not apply to you. For more information about Teams Calling and Voicemail setup please refer to this section:
Teams Calling
From your Cisco phone
1) Pick up your phone receiver and press the Messages button on the phone.
2) When prompted enter your pin. Enter the pin followed by #
Note: If you do not know you pin to see the article for instructions on resetting your voicemail pin.
First time set up:
If you have never set up your voicemail before a self-enrollment procedure will begin, and you will be prompted to:
Record your name
Record your greeting
Set up a new PIN (Personal Identification Number)
Your PIN needs to be a random combination of six digits and cannot be consecutive numbers in a predictable sequence.
The system will walk you through and give you options for your voicemail.
To change/set your greeting:
Press 4 to get to settings
Press 1 to change greeting
To re-record press 1, record your greeting and press #
Listen to your recording and follow the prompts for all other options. Hang up when complete.