How To:
- Add a Conference Phone to a Team's meeting
Applies To:
1. Open Outlook and create a meeting. When you create the meeting, invite the required and optional members which includes the CAP account (conference room phone). In this example, we are using CAP-Desktop Support Student 1.

2. After you have included your members, please click the "Teams meeting" button, and click "Schedule Meeting".

3. After you hit the drop-down carrot and hit “Schedule Meeting” you should be provided with an invite message similar to the one imaged below.

4. Once the meeting is created, you can start the meeting and it should provide a menu at the top, like the screen shot below.

5. Next go to the people tab (in yellow) and hover over the CAP account (in green) for the conference room you would like to have added. After hovering, on the CAP account it will show a button to “Request to join”. Hit that button and it will ring the phone

6. When the phone begins to ring it will prompt you to “Accept” or “Decline”. When you accept from the phone, there will only be audio from this device.