Teams Calling: Call Queues

How To:

  • Sign in or Out of a Call Queue

Applies To:

  • ESU staff/faculty that have been assigned to a call queue


Teams App or Web Version 

1) Go to the 3 dots at the upper right and click Settings. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

​​​​2) ​​​Select Calls 

3) Select the CQ at the top of the page (Note: this can take a few seconds to populate and you be assigned to more than 1 call queue)

4) Toggle the “Receive calls from this queue” to sign in or out.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Teams Mobile App 

1) Click on your profile (circle), click Settings, and select Calling.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2) Find the CQ and toggle on/off to sign in or out,

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)