KnowBe4 Security Training

How To:

  • Set up your account, log in, reset the password, & get started and how to resume the training.

Applies To:

  • All Faculty, Employees, & Student Employees


How to set up your account: 

1) You will receive the following email. Click the link to set up your log in to set up your security training account. Please note the training due date. All training must be completed by the deadline. If you cannot locate the email and you have Focused Inbox turned on check the Other inbox.

KnowBe4 email subject line example 

 Training email

Focused/Other inbox pic

2)  You will be brought to the following page. 

Thanks for signing up message window 

3) Return back to your email. If your Outlook has Focused Inbox turned on and you cannot find the email, check the Other folder. 

Focused/Other inbox pic 

KnowBe4 email subject line example 

Click the link in the email to activate your account. 

Confirmation email with link example 

4) Set up your password. This password will only be for the KnowBe4 Security Training. It is advisable to use a different password from your ESU password. Then click Sign in. 

Password reset box 

5) You will be brought to a page with a Dashboard. Assigned training is located on this page. Be sure to complete all assignments, so your training will be marked as complete. 

Training Dashboard  

How to sign in:
1)  Visit 

Enter your ESU work email address and click next.  ( 

log in box to enter your ESU email address 

2) Enter your password and click Log in.  The password will be the one you set up for KnowBe4. (Note- This is not the same as your ESU password) 

Box to enter your security training password 

How to reset your training password: 

1) Visit 

2) Click ‘Forgot your password?’. 

Log in box with forgot your password text emphasized in a red box 

3) Enter your ESU work email address (  and click ‘Send me reset password instructions’.

Forgot your password box with send me reset password instruction text emphasized in a red box 

You will then see this message come up at the top of the page.

Reset email note at top of page

4) Navigate to your email. If your Outlook has Focused Inbox turned on, be sure to check the Other folder for the email if you do not see it in your inbox. 

Focused/Other nbox 

5) Click the link in the email and you will be directed to a page to reset your password.

Password reset email subject lne

Reset password email with link

Getting started with the training: 

1)  On the Dashboard, click on an Assignment. The first time you will get a welcome box. You can choose ‘Show Me Around’ for a navigation tutorial or click ‘Skip Tour’. 

Training welcome box 

2)  From the Training tab, choose an assignment and click Start. At the top of the training, it will show approximately how long it hold take to complete each training.  

Training assignment example 

3) The training will pop up in a new window. If you cannot find the window, check to make sure a pop-up blocker in your browser is not preventing it from opening. If you have questions or have trouble launching the assignment, please contact the help desk. 

Assignment launched reminder box 

4)  When you have watched the entire video for an assignment, you will get this message. If you skipped to the end, you will need to select NO and watch the video in it’s entirety for the assignment to be complete. 

Once you have completed the video, click YES to close the window. 

Module complete box 

3) You will then have an opportunity to Rate the Training video, or you can click Skip. 

Optional rating the training box 

4) When a training assignment is complete, you can download a certificate for that module. This certificate is only for the specific module. Be sure to complete all assigned training modules.  

Example of where to download your cerficate 

5)  Click start on the 2022 training module. The following trademark message will come up, read the message and click Close.


2022 training start

Trademark message pop up box 

6) Click the > at the bottom right of the page to proceed to the next one. You will navigate through a series of videos, questions, and activities. 

The < at the top right can be opened/collapsed to see and navigate your progress. There is also a table of contents, glossary, references, and you can also turn on Dark mode.  

How to navigate the page arrows 

Resuming Training:

If you are in the middle of a video or a series of questions and you close out, when you resume the video or questions will start over from the beginning. Otherwise from the end of a section, you can leave and you can pick back up you where you left off. Go back to the section, when you click click resume and you will get a message asking if you would like to resume where you left off, choose Yes, if you choose No you will be navigated to the beginning of the training. 

Training resume box

Reume No or Yes box

Completing the Training:

Be sure to download your certificate for each assigned section when the training is complete.

Physical Security assignment complete

2022 Training completed

Downloaded certificate

From the training Dashboard you can also see the status of the modules.

Training dashboard

How to access Optional Training:

1) Login to KnowBe4 with your full employee email address.  

KnowBe4 dashboard 

2) Click on Library tab on the top left of the screen 

Library tab in KnowBe4 

3) Scroll Down to the Recommended by Your Organization section and click on each of the items within that section to complete the materials for October Cyber Security Awareness Month.  NOTE:  There is an arrow on the right of this section that will show more items. There are a total of 9 materials that must be completed in order to be entered into the prize drawing at the end of the month.  

Screenshot of recommended training on the page 

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