Proxy Access - Give access

How To:

Give proxy access to your account to another person


Applies To:




Note: There are two separate systems that students can grant users access to. This article is about Proxy Access. This allows access to Grades, Financial Aid, and Schedules. The second is Authorized Users. This can be added to access Payments, Bills, and Tax Statements. See our other Knowledge Base articles on these topics. If you cannot access the account or do not remember the email address or password, your student will need to go into their account and remove the proxy and re-add it. The help desk cannot set proxy account passwords. The URL for the Proxy login page is -

1) Go to, Students, and Proxy Access For students. Click on Login for Grades, Schedules, and Financial Aid.


2) Login with your ESU account, then click Add New. Complete the form, making sure that you select the Relationship field.

NOTE: The passphrase field will allow the person who is given access to your account to speak with Registration about your account.

When you've completed the form, click Submit.


For more information please reach out to Cashiering for the Authorized user login and reach out to Financial Aid for Proxy Access information.