How To:
- Using the Password Self-Service Mobile App
Applies To:
- Students, Faculty, & Employees
Setting up the app
1) With the mobile app for iOS and Android, you can reset passwords and unlock your account, right from your own mobile device. Visit the Apple or Play Store on your mobile device and search for Manage Engine ADSelfService Plus and install it.

2) Open the app on your phone and select Server Settings.

3) In the bottom-left corner, tap the Scan QR Code button. (You may be prompted to allow access to your camera)

Scan the QR code below and click Save.

4) You may be asked to allow push notifications. This is optional. If you would like to enable push notifications, you will be prompted to sign in with your ESU username and password. Click Done and click OK.

Using the App

Enrolling in Password Self-Service for the first time-
1) Select Login and enter your ESU username and password. Tap Login.
2) If you are not brought to the enrollment page, click on the person icon on the upper left-hand side. Choose Enrollment from the drop-down menu.

3) Choose your security questions from the menu and enter your answers to enroll.
Note: You cannot use the reset or unlock tools until you are enrolled in self-service first. If you do not know your ESU password, please call the help desk at 620.341.5555. If you have already enrolled, you can also change your security questions and answers in the app.
Password Reset-
1) Enter your username and click Next.

2) Enter your answers to your security questions and click Next.

3) Type in and confirm a new password, making sure you are meeting the requirements. As you type, a green/red strength meter shows if your password is meeting the requirements. You will see a green checkmark next to each requirement that is met. When all are met, click Reset at the upper right.

Account Unlock-
1) Enter your username and click Next.

2) Enter your answers to your security questions and click Next.

3) Click Unlock.