Password Self-Service - Change Password

How To:

  • Change Password Using Self-Service

Applies To:

  • Employees, Faculty, & Students


1) You will need to know your current password to do this. Go to and enter your ESU username and password and click Login.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

2) Be sure you are on the Change Password tab at the top. Enter your old password. Type in and confirm a new password, making sure you are meeting the requirements. Then click Change Password. As you type, a green/red strength meter that shows if your password is meeting the requirements. You will see a green checkmark next to each requirement that is met.

a website interface showing the password self selfservice interface

Having trouble setting the password?

Make sure your password is meeting all the requirements.

  • At least 12 long
  • A password that has not been used before (Must not contain 5 consecutive character(s) from your old password)
  • Cannot contain your name/username
  • Of the 12 you need at least one of each: a capital letter, lower case letter, number, and a special character
  • Must not contain any character more than 2 times consecutively
  • Cannot contain restricted patterns – (see list) qwerty, asdf, zxcv, 1234, password, 2022, 2022, 123456789, A12234456789!, , and other combinations that include ESU, Emporia, or Hornets.
  • Must not be a palindrome (Same forward/backward)

Are you getting an error that says the password is wrong when you try to reset the password?

It could be that you are signed in and it is remembering another password.

Here is how to log out:

 From the upper right-hand side of the page, you should see a circle with a person icon. Click it and from the menu click Sign Out. This will bring you back to the Hornet Log In page. Try resetting your password from here and let me know if you have any issues.

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Article ID: 135266
Tue 8/17/21 11:25 AM
Tue 9/26/23 10:11 AM

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