How To:
- Use Pass-Back to transfer grades in Canvas to Banner
Applies To:
- If you use the gradebook functionality in Canvas this tool can sync your student’s grades back to Banner with the click of your mouse. You will need to enable the Course Grade Schema within Canvas at the beginning of the semester. When you’ve finished your grades for the semester, click the sync button and your grades will transfer from Canvas to Banner. You’ll get a notification email telling you that it was successful
1) You first need to develop or choose a Grade Scheme in Canvas. Your department may have already created a common grading scheme that you can use, or you can create your own. You can edit or delete grading schemes that you create at any time.

2) Click the Course Details tab

3) Scroll down and locate Grading Scheme

4) Check the box that says Enable Course Grading Scheme

5) Choose View Grading Scheme

6) Select the Scheme.
To view a grading standard, click the title of the grading scheme [1]. When you have located the grading scheme you want to use in the course, click the Use This Grading Standard button [2].
Be sure and update the course details to save your changes.

7) Update the Course Details

Now you are ready to sync the grades to Banner (the Student Information System). You can do this from one of two locations in Canvas: Either the Gear icon in the gradebook (upper right) or from the Grade Syncing tab under your Course Settings. Below is a visual using the latter.
1) Open Course Settings

2) Click the Grade Syncing tab

3) Click the Sync Grades to SIS button

4) Confirm the Sync
When grades are synced, Canvas will immediately initiate the grade transfer, but you may need to wait a few minutes before data appears in Banner. You will see an on-screen confirmation and receive an Email confirmation within a few minutes. Once you receive the confirmation Email, verify students received the correct grade. Note any sync errors. Those students will be indicated in your Email receipt. If you cannot resolve the issue yourself, contact Learning Technologies for assistance.