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IT Help Desk Hours

Phone Call & Chat Hours:
Sunday - 4 PM - 7 PM
Mon - Thurs  8 AM - 7 PM
Friday - 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday - CLOSED
Walk-In Hours:
Monday-Friday 8 AM – 5 PM
Note: During non-business hours, you can open a ticket, leave a voice mail, or email us at We'll respond on the next day we are open.
Special Hours & Closures:
The IT Help Desk will be closed or have adjusted hours for the following dates:
  • OPEN for additional support: Saturday Jan 25, from 2 PM - 5 PM. Calls, tickets & chats are welcome.


Welcome to myIT​​​ Support

myIT is a self-service IT support site for all ESU students, staff and faculty. From here you can request technical help by submitting a ticket, find answers, or request services. You can also find the latest service outages and upcoming changes that may impact you.



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Available during open hours

IT Alerts

Visit IT Alerts to see IT outages, planned maintenance, & more.