How To:
- Access a shared mailbox in the desktop Outlook app or in the web application
Applies To:
- Faculty
- Employees
- Student Employees
Whether you are accessing the mailbox from the Web or the Desktop you must first be signed into your Email. A shared mailbox cannot be directly signed into and instead the access had to be deligated to you. If you do not know if you have access to a shared mailbox get in touch with your supervisor and have the owner the of the mailbox fill out this form: Change or Grant Access to a Shared Mailbox
If using the Outlook desktop application the mailboxes that you have access to will show up here. If you are not seeing an email box that you believe you should be seeing contact the help desk by email at or reach us by phone at (620)-341-5555.
If using the web version of Outlook you should sign-in and your screen will look something like this:
1) Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Outlook and click open another mailbox.
2) Type in the name of the email you wish to access
2a) You can then click on the object you have typed and click open.
The mailbox will then open in another tab so you can continue working while keeping both email accounts open.