How To:
- Release a Job from SkyPrint Plus
Applies To:
Getting started:
If the screen is blank, press the blue start button. This will wake up the copier and the screen should come on.

Logging in:
Option 1 – Log in with ESU username and password
Touch the screen and use keyboard on the left to enter your ESU username and password. Then tap Log in.

Option 2 –Use your ID Card
On the right side of the copier, you will tap your ID Card. When you successfully tap it, you will hear a beep.

You will only need to complete this step the first time you use your card- You will see a pop up that says Unknown card. Do you wish to associate this card with your user account? Choose Yes. You will then be prompted with- Enter username and password to associate your card with an existing account.
Upload and send your print job to SkyPrint. On the screen, tap Print release. This will bring up a list of print jobs you have submitted.

1) Check the Select all box at the top right or tap the check box of the individual file you want to print.
2) If you submitted a job in color or single-sided, there are options at the bottom of the screen to change your job to print duplex (two-sided) or greyscale (black & white). Select the box next to your choice.
3) Click Print.
4) Log out by clicking on the icon next to your username at the upper right side of the screen.