Canvas integration for Digication


How To:

  • Integration Digication for Canvas

Applies To:

  • SLIM Faculty



If you copy course content from a previous course, you may face the error of Digication already integrated within our course. Unfortunately, this is a malfunction, and this button will not work properly. Please follow the following steps before continuing to the next objective.

Note: If you are not experiencing this error, move forward to the objective "Visit the Canvas App Center."

  1. To check to see if your Digication is malfunctioning, select Digication from the navigation menu (Image 1). If a page appears with the phrase “To visit the URL, click the button below,” you have a malfunction integration (Image 2).

The navigation bar on canvas with the option Digication highlighted.

Image 1

Malfunction alert page with the statement "To visit the URL, click the button below" above a blue button that says "open in new tab.

Image 2

  1. Select Settings from the navigation menu (Image 3).

The navigation bar on canvas with the option settings being highlighted.

Image 3

  1. Select Navigation from the tab (Image 4).

In the settings options, Navigation is highlighted within its tabs.

Image 4

  1. Click and drag malfunctioning Digication to the disabled section (Image 5) and hit Save at the bottom of the screen (Image 6). If you do not select the save button, your changes will be voided, and you will have to start over.

In the Navigation page in canvas, the Digication is highlighted with an arrow gesturing it down to the disabled able section.

Image 5

On the Navigation page, the blue Save button is highlighted.

Image 6

  1. Now you are ready to start following the objective “Visit the Canvas App Center.


  1. Within Canvas, select one of your courses from the sidebar menu.

  2. Select Settings from the navigation menu and then Apps from the tab (Image 7).

  3. Once the External Apps view loads, search for Digication (Image 7).

  4. Select Digication (Image 7).

Setting panel in Canvas highlighting the Setting, App, search bar and digication.

Image 7

  1. Click Add App. Follow the steps below to add your Consumer Key and Shared Secret (Image 8).

                                                                                                                 Digication's Add App button is highlighted.

Image 8

  1. Copy the Consumer Key below and paste it into the Canvas Consumer Key field (Image 9).

Consumer Key: bec9a260dfb6c15c85e9d6a3

  The Consumer Key text box is highlighted with the code entered into it.

Image 9

  1. Next, copy the Shred Secret below and paste it into the Canvas Shared Secret field (Image 10).

Shared Secret: 1ed8b72e69609755c06373e796a435f4c47e636a7302e818d60131c78285a4b9

The Shared Secret text box is highlighted with the code entered into it.

Image 10

  1. Once done, select add app (Image 11),

Add app button is highlighted with a red box and arrow.

Image 11

  1. Ensure you add Digication to your navigation by

  • In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.

  • Click the Navigation tab.,

  • From the list, click and drag Digitcation and drop the Digication link in the desired location by releasing the mouse (Image 12).

                                                                                                      Settings panel in canvas is open with setting, navigation and digication highlighted.

 Image 12

  1. Once you have finished making your desired changes to the course navigation 

menu, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue 

Save button.  Otherwise, your change will be discarded when you leave the page (Image 13).

                                                                                         The Save button in the Navigation tab is highlighted.

Image 13


  1. Select Digication from your toolbar to open Digication on a new page (Image 14).

Navigation bar in Canvas is displayed with digications button highlighted.

Image 14

  1. From this home page in Digication you will select the button “Define Templates for Students” (Image 15).

The home page of Digication is displayed with the button “Define Templates For Students” highlighted.

Image 15

  1. Select the X Button in the right corner on the Create Template page (Image 16).

A red box and arrow highlight the X button on Create Template page.

Image 16

  1. Select the blue button at the bottom right corner of the screen that says SAVE & CONTINUE the Manage Template page (Image 17)

The blue button Save and Continue highlighted with a red box and arrow on the Manage Template page.

Image 17

  1.  Reload the page for Digication and select Connect to a Course in Digication (Image 18)

Digications home page is displayed with Connect to a Course in Digication button highlighted with a red and black box.

Image 18

  1. Refresh the page, and you should see the name of your course displayed (Image 19).

Digications home page is displayed with the course name highlighted.

Image 19



Article ID: 143278
Tue 11/29/22 3:16 PM
Mon 1/27/25 9:36 AM